September 21, 2022Location
Microsoft teamsFees
Registration: $35USD“The PIP Joint: Anatomy, Biomechanics, and the Management of Simple and Complex Injuries”
Presented by: Shrikant J. Chinchalkar
Date: September 24th, 2022
Time: 10.00 AM – 12.00 PM Eastern Time Zone
For the Professionals from North America, Europe, and Countries in South African Continents.
(Please check the date and time in your country and the local time Zone)
Session Description:
The proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP) is a complex joint formed by the bony and soft tissue structures. The proximal phalanx head and the base of middle phalanx are asymmetrical in its architectural configuration. This asymmetry allows the joints to rotate causing finger to converge towards the scaphoid. The collateral ligamentous complex and its relationship with the volar plate offer the stability to the joint along with spiral oblique retinacular ligament and flexor digitorm superficialis. The tendons of the flexors, extensors and intrinsic cross over the joint producing motion. The precise motion at the PIP joints is refined by the action of various retinacular ligaments. PIP joints injuries are the common ranging from simple sprain, dislocations and/or complex fracture dislocations. Irrespective of either simple or complex trauma to the joint, the PIP joint is prone for developing contractures, instability, pain and swan neck or boutonniere deformities. This presentation discusses the details of the PIP joint anatomy, various types of injuries and how to successfully treat these to achieve maximum range of motion and function. A step-by-step vector analysis of the joint dislocations help with the understanding of deforming forces acting on the joint. This webinar includes cadaveric dissections, animation, illustrations, and real case videos of injuries and precise management to achieve successful results.
Webinar Objectives:
The attendees will learn and understand the following:
- Anatomy of the PIP joint including role of the retinacular system
- Mechanism of joint flexion and extension
- Classification of PIP joint injuries
- Direction of deforming forces producing joint dislocation i.e. dorsal, volar and lateral dislocation
- Management of PIP joint injuries including dislocations
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